For all people sensitised by electromagnetic fields and radiation.
About Us
credit or debit card, or Paypal:
(a) to support people already electro-sensitive, and
(b) to inform the public of the health risks of electro-magnetic radiation. It provides a telephone helpline, leaflets, this website with its forums, conferences and a newsletter. It helps sufferers in their relations with authorities when possible and answers media queries.
Although “el-allergy”, as the Nordic classification called it in 2000, first occurred among radar and electrical workers in the 1930s, only since the 1980s, with computers, mobile phones and masts and now WiFi since 2000, has the condition spread into the general population. The World Health Organisation states that electrosensitivity is an idiopathic environmental intolerance which can be a “disabling condition” and its symptoms are “certainly real”. Medical studies now focus on the autonomic nervous system and cell membrane permeability, with calcium efflux at ion cyclotron resonance and reduced melatonin as pathways. Sensitivity to electro-magnetic fields is linked with sensitivity to noise, light and other allergens like chemicals. Electro-magnetic radiation at both extremely low frequency and, since 2011, at radio frequency is categorized by the WHO’s IARC as a Class 2B carcinogen.
ES-UK works with doctors and scientists to understand more about this medical condition. Together with international scientific and medical organisations it urges the UK to follow Russia’s 1958 recognition of the long established sub-thermal adverse health effects from EMFs and replace the obsolete 6-minute heating limits of ICNIRP and the HPA with long-term biological limits. Only reduced “electrosmog” can make life tolerable for those functionally disabled by it and prevent more people being sensitized or suffering the cancers and diseases like Alzheimer’s now associated with this environmental pollution.
ES-UK posts useful information but is unable to guarantee or warrant products or services available through these links.
The ES-UK Trustees
There are currently five trustees for the charity ElectroSensitivity UK. In alphabetical order (by surname) they are as follows:
Michael Bevington
I became a trustee of ES-UK in October 2007 and was elected chair of trustees in October 2008. I am grateful to our marvellous volunteers who answer the helpline and support sufferers in many different ways. The demands grow greater as the number of people becoming sensitised steadily increases. The range of devices around us giving out electro-magnetic radiation is also increasing, making life more difficult for those who suffer from this environmental pollution.
On a broader front it is good to see fewer ill-informed comments on this medical condition these days. It is also encouraging to see more medical and scientific studies on how people are sensitive and become hyper-sensitive to radiation. The next stage is for society to protect people who have already been sensitised, ensuring that they are not limited at work or home by this functional disability, and to prevent more people from becoming sensitized.
Sarah Dacre
ES-UK routinely help and support a growing population of individuals affected in their work and home space by electromagnetic radiation. With the roll-out of Wi-Fi in schools around the world we are hearing from more and more families affected and where children and teenagers of any age are no longer able to attend school.
I became aware of EHS symptoms shortly after moving into a property in London, situated in line of sight opposite a mobile phone mast. In 2005, the debate had not been widely documented and it was challenging to find a comprehensive data file and uploaded archive of the science in a format that the general public could interpret and understand. I consulted with medical Doctors from Germany and Switzerland and rectified a wide range of symptoms.
With a background in media, sponsorship and finance, I put together a TV and print campaign and generated a succession of TV documentary programmes such as Channel 4 – Allergic to the 21st Century; TV news features such as BBC Breakfast News, ABC Breakfast News, Richard and Judy – Channel 4; Dom Jolly-The Complainers, ITV; National newspaper articles; Magazine articles.
In 2007, this success was truncated by the publication of the Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research Programme 2007 (MTHR) with a chapter on Electrical Hypersensitivity (pp16-19) and where attendees at the Press Launch were told that ‘there is no evidence that EHS is caused by electric of magnetic fields caused by (mobiles) handsets or by (mobile phone masts) base stations’. With great sadness, I witnessed the closing of the door on the media profiling of EHS as a growing public health concern in 2007 with the publication of this report.
Since then I have watched the media resistance to the content and ever growing catalogue of peer reviewed and published science, both specifically about EHS and more widely about electromagnetic health effects.
I became the UK representative of the Safe Wireless Initiative EHS Study and staged the presentation of the results in 2007; co-organised Get Wired conference 2013; aided the launch of Making Waves conference 2018. Organiser of the annual ES Social 2015-2019 and hopefully in 2020.
For any further information please contact:
Brian Stein CBE
I became a trustee of the Radiation Research Trust approximately three years ago, a group of individuals trying to communicate the research that is published from around the world to the authorities in the UK, showing why peoples’ health is suffering as a result of EMF.
More recently (October 2007) I became a trustee of ES UK, because my passion and objective is to get this condition recognised and the suffering of people who are affected recognised as a medical condition.
Dr Andrew Tresidder
Dr Andrew Tresidder MBBS MRCGP Cert Med Ed (Bristol) is a Somerset GP and Educator. He works in the NHS and Health Care throughout Somerset, and has a particular interest in Health and the factors that influence it, both physical, nutritional, psychological and emotional, as well as Physician Health and Complementary Medicine. He also works for NHS Somerset (formerly Somerset PCT) and for the University of Bristol Medical School. So far he has written two books on emotional wellbeing. He recognises the important historical benefits of all technologies, and also that pollution can result, distorting healthy patterns in nature. Electromagnetic pollution is a vitally important factor for the health of many, and contributes to illness.
Dr Tressider’s articles:
- Electrosensitivity Briefing – July 2020
- An open letter to other doctors explaining the realities of ES, the symptoms to look for, and what can be done about it.
- An article outlining some of the known facts behind EM Pollution and Electromagnetic Stress
- Welcome 2021!
- Beating January Blues
- Loss and Change – Jan 21
- Reflections from a Vaccine Centre near you
- Health and Self-care for Health Professionals
- Inner balance for an Effective Life (Size – 9mb) – currently works on tablets and laptops, sorry but page sizes don’t work well on mobiles yet
Phil Watts
Medical Advisors
Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
Dr Dietrich Klinghardt
Scientific Advisors
Dr Andrew Goldsworthy MSc PhD
He was born just before the Second World War and, after a grammar school education in Wales, obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Botany, followed by a PhD at the University College of Swansea. He then took a lecturing post at Imperial College London where, apart from a short secondment to work in agricultural research and a sabbatical in the USA, he has been ever since.
At Imperial, he acquired a reputation among students for explaining complex subjects in simple terms, for ‘out of the box’ thinking, and for spicing his courses with unusual lectures such as those on space biology and the scientific basis of acupuncture.
His research and teaching, extend from the physiology and biochemistry of photosynthesis and photorespiration through the biological effects of electromagnetically treated water to the electrophysiology of plants. He also designed an experiment for the Anglo-Russian ‘Juno’ space mission and is now a member of the Life Sciences Advisory Group for the European Space Agency.
As well as ‘regular’ scientific papers, mainly on plant electrophysiology, he has written several popular science feature articles for the New Scientist on such diverse subjects as ‘Why Trees are Green’ and ‘The Cell Electric’ (on the evolution of plant and animal action potentials and the origin of the nervous system).
His interest in the biological effects of electromagnetic fields dates back over 30 years but has only recently come to fruition with the publication of a new theory that explains many of their seemingly weird effects in simple physico-chemical terms. It was first published (mainly in relation to plants) in Plant Electrophysiology – Theory and Methods, Ed AG Volkov (Springer 2006). This was followed by an Internet publication in 2007 (which can be viewed on this site) entitled ‘The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields’, which deals with their effects on humans and animals and, in particular, the dangers from mobile phones.
The article also includes a section that draws attention to the remarkable similarity between the symptoms of electrosensitivity and those of hypocalcemia (low blood calcium). This is interpreted as being due to both electromagnetic fields and low blood calcium removing structural calcium from cell membranes to produce similar physiological effects. It is argued that electrosensitive individuals may already have a slightly low level of calcium in their bloodstream so that electromagnetic exposure ‘pushes them over the edge’ and they develop hypocalcemia symptoms. If this is correct, it raises the possibility that conventional treatments for hypocalcemia may remove some if not all of the symptoms of electrosensitivity.
Andrew Goldsworthy’s page at Imperial College
Papers and further reading on the ES-UK website
- Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) – What you need to know about low energy lighting
- The UK HPA have also expressed caution about compact fluorescent lighting
- Wifi in Schools, by Dr. Andrew Goldsworthy, November 2011
- The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields, April 2012
- Effects of Electromagnetic Fields on Glands and its Relationship with Diabetes, May 2012
- Dr. Goldsworthy also featured in an excellent interview with MCS America, the transcript of which is well worth the read.
Selected papers
- The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields
- The dangers of electrosmog, Andrew Goldsworthy, 2007
- The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields, Andrew Goldsworthy, 2007
- Goldsworthy A, 2006. ‘Effects of electrical and electromagnetic fields on plants and related topics’. In Plant Electrophysiology – Theory and Methods. Ed. Volkov A G (Springer, Berlin, Hiedelberg, New York).
- Goldsworthy A, Whitney H, Morris E, 1999. ‘Biological effects of physically conditioned water’. Water Research. 33, 1618-1626.
- Goldsworthy A, 1996. ‘Electrostimulation of cells by weak electric currents’. In Electrical Manipulation of Cells. Eds. Lynch, P., Davey, M.R. (Chapman and Hall, New York).
- Goldsworthy A, 1995. ‘Photorespiration’. In Production and Improvement of Crops for Drylands. Ed. Gupta, U.S. (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi).
- Mina M G, Goldsworthy A, 1992. ‘Electrical polarization of tobacco cells by Ca2+ ion channels’. J. Exptl. Bot. 43, 449-454.
- Goldsworthy A, 1991. ‘The Phycobilins’. In Photoreceptor Evolution and Function, ed. Holmes, M.G. (Acad. Press, London).
- Mina M G, Goldsworthy A, 1991. Changes in the electrical polarity of tobacco cells following the application of weak external currents. Planta 186, 104-108.
- Goldsworthy A, Mina M G, 1991. Electrical patterns of tobacco cells tobacco cells in media containing indole-3-acetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Planta 183, 368-373.
- Goldsworthy A, 1988. ‘Growth control in plant tissue cultures’. In Advances in Biotechnological Processes, Volume 9. Ed. Mizrahi A (Alan R Liss, New York).
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. Why trees are green. New Scientist 116 (1590), 48-52.
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. Why did nature select green plants? Nature 328, 207-208.
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. ‘Electrical control of growth in plant tissue cultures’. In Plant and Animal Cells: Process Possibilities. Eds. Webb, C. and Mavituna, F. (Ellis Horlwood, Chichester 1987).
- Goldsworthy A, 1986. The electric compass of plants. New Scientist 109 (1489), 22-23.
- Goldsworthy A, Rathore K S, 1985. Electrical control of shoot regeneration in plant tissue cultures. Bio/Technology 3, 1107-1109.
- Rathore K S, Goldsworthy A, 1985. Electrical control of growth in plant tissue cultures. Bio/Technology 3, 253-254.
- Goldsworthy A, 1984. The cell electric. New Scientist 102 (1407), 14-15.
- Goldsworthy A, 1983. The evolution of plant action potentials. J. Theor. Biol. 103, 645-648.
- Goldsworthy A, Fielding J L, Dover M B J, 1982. ‘Flash Imbibition’ a method for the re-invigoration of aged wheat seed. Seed Sci. & Technol. 10, 55-65.
- Goldsworthy A, 1978. An instrument for measuring crop density by light absorbance. Ann. Bot. 42, 1315-1325.
- Goldsworthy A, Gates R, Ridgley D L, 1977. An electronic coleoptile measuring device. J. Exptl. Bot. 28, 744-750
Dr Magda Havas
Professor Havas served as a science advisor to the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC); an advisor to the Acid Rain Coalition; a member of the Ontario Environmental Appeal Board; a member of the Mayor’s Committee on Sustainable Development in Peterborough; a co-founder and past-president of the Uxbridge Conservation Group and she has been involved with several environmental educational groups including Shad Valley and the KEY Foundation (Knowledge of the Environment for Youth). At Trent University she served on the Board of Governors, Senate, and the President’s Advisory Committee on the Environment and is currently a member of the Institute for Health Studies.
Dr. Havas provides advice to the public and expert testimony on radio frequency radiation from wireless telecommunication antennas and electromagnetic fields from power lines in the United States and Canada. She helped draft Resolution 15 for the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) cell phone antennas on fire halls. She also helped draft the Private Member;s Bill on Ground Current Pollution in Ontario that received unanimous approval at its Second Reading in the House. The Ontario Energy Board is currently reviewing that Bill.
Magda Havas is science advisor on EMF-related issues to non-profit organizations including: WEEP Initiative in Canada; the Council on Wireless Technology Impacts and the EMR Policy Institute in the US; HESE and the EM Radiation Trust in the UK; and the Nationaal Platform Stralingscrisico’s in the Netherlands.
Professor Olle Johansson
He has always supported the democratic principle that citizens are allowed to be ill even in a disease, i.e. a new diagnosis, that is not yet acknowledged by the medical establishment. All diseases were once a “new diagnosis”, and it should be remembered that the medical profession strongly has doubted asbestosis, cold urticaria, AIDS, the mad cow disease, skin lice, etc. He has never stopped asking questions and is constantly using the answers to put into place the ever-growing number of pieces of a very, very complicated and enigmatic puzzle.
According to Olle Johansson, persons claiming adverse cutaneous and neurological reactions after having been exposed to computer screens, cellular phones, low-energy light bulbs, etc., very well could be reacting in a highly specific way and with a completely correct avoidance reaction, especially if the provocative agent was radiation and/or chemical emissions — just as you would do if you had been exposed to e.g. sun rays, X-rays, radioactivity or chemical odours. The working hypothesis, thus, early became that they react in a cellularly correct way to the electromagnetic radiation, maybe in concert with chemical emissions such as plastic components, flame retardants, etc.
Nowadays, thanks to his endless efforts, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is in Sweden an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000–290,000 Swedish men and women – out of a population of 9,000,000 – report a variety of symtoms when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF) sources.
The electrohypersensitive people have their own handicap organization, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive ( []; the website has an English version). This organization is included in the Swedish Disability Federation (Handikappförbundens SamarbetsOrgan; HSO). HSO is the unison voice of the Swedish disability associations towards the government, the parliament, and national authorities, and is a cooperative body that today consists of 43 national disability organizations (where The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive is 1 of these 43 organizations) with all together about 500,000 individual members. You can read more on [ ] (the site has an English short version).
Olle Johansson, associate professor, head of the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, at the Karolinska Institute (famous for it’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine) in Stockholm, Sweden, is a world-leading authority in the field of EMF radiation and health effects. He has published more than 500 original articles, reviews, book chapters and conference reports within the field of basic and applied neuroscience. He has worked with a number of international colleagues that, later on, became Nobel Laureates, including professors Andrew V. Schally and Roger Guillemin among several.
His doctoral thesis at the Karolinska Institute had the title “Peptide Neurons in the Central and Peripheral Nervous System. Light and Electron Microscopic Studies”. He has participated in more than 300 congresses and symposia as an invited speaker, and with free contributions and as an invited ‘observer’ at an additional 100.
He is a member of, e.g., The European Neuroscience Association (ENA), The European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR), IBAS Users of Scandinavia (IBUS), The International Brain Research Organization (IBRO), The International Society for Stereology (ISS), The New York Academy of Sciences, The Royal Microscopical Society (RMS), Scandinavian Society for Electron Microscopy (SCANDEM), The Skin Pharmacology Society (SPS), Society for Neuroscience, Svenska Fysiologföreningen, Svenska Intressegruppen för Grafisk Databehandling (SIGRAD), Svenska Läkaresällskapet, and the Svenska Sällskapet för Automatiserad Bildanalys (SSAB).
He is often used as referee for a large number of scientific journals, including the Acta Dermato-Venereologica, Acta Obstetrica & Gynecologica, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, Acta Stereologica, Archives of Dermatological Research, Brain Research, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Diabetologia, European Journal of Dermatology, Experimental Brain Research, Experimental Dermatology, Histochemical Journal, Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy, Journal of Comparative Neurology, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Journal of Microscopy, Neurobiology, Neuroscience, Regulatory Peptides, and Skin Pharmacology.
He has on-going international scientific collaborations with, e.g., Japan, Brasil, India, Serbia, Germany and USA. His studies have been widely recognised in the public media, including newspapers, radio and TV as well as on the Internet, both nationally as well as internationally.
He has, besides the above-mentioned fields of interest, worked hard and in great depth in areas such as skin diseases, cancer, child delivery, female urine incontinence, oral mucosa diseases, brain and spinal cord morphology, synaptology and chemical transmission, peripheral nervous system-related issues, cardiac function, skeletal muscle function and disease, connective tissue ripening phenomena, and so forth. He is regarded as a scientist of the greatest accuracy and critical thinking, honesty and respect for the scientific principles. He has always seen himself as a civil servant employed by the citizens, thus, his work has always been aimed at supporting persons in need, rather than yielding personal career benefits, something he has had to personally pay greatly for.
Examples of papers
To understand adverse health effects of artificial electromagnetic fields … is “rocket science” needed or just common sense?
Chapter 1
“Associate professor: Wireless radiation – the biggest full-scale biomedical experiment ever done on Earth”
Rajkovic 2010 Atrazine EMF Skin Mast Cells
Rajkovic 2010 EMF Atrazine Thyroid
Rajkovic 2006 Thyroid Microscope
Rajkovic 2005 Skin Thyroid Mast Cells
Wang L, Hilliges M, Jernberg T, Wiegleb-Edstrom D, Johansson O, “Protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive nerve fibres and cells in human skin”, Cell Tissue Res 1990; 261: 25-33
Johansson O, Hilliges M, Bjornhagen V, Hall K, “Skin changes in patients claiming to suffer from “screen dermatitis”: a two-case open-field provocation study”, Exp Dermatol 1994; 3: 234-238
Johansson O, Virtanen M, Hilliges M, “Histaminergic nerves demonstrated in the skin. A new direct mode of neurogenic inflammation?”, Exp Dermatol 1995; 4: 93-96
Johansson O, “Elöverkänslighet samt överkänslighet mot mobiltelefoner: Resultat från en dubbel-blind provokationsstudie av metodstudiekaraktär” (=Electrohyper-sensitivity and sensitivity to mobile telephones: Results from a double-blind provocation study of pilot character”, in Swedish), Enheten för Experimentell Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 2, 1995, ISSN 1400-6111 (First study on humans)
Johansson O, Liu P-Y, “”Electrosensitivity”, “electrosupersensitivity” and “screen dermatitis”: preliminary observations from on-going studies in the human skin”, In: Proceedings of the COST 244: Biomedical Effects of Electromagnetic Fields – Workshop on Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (ed. D Simunic), EU/EC (DG XIII), Brussels/Graz, 1995, pp 52-57
Hilliges M, Wang L, Johansson O, “Ultrastructural evidence for nerve fibers within all vital layers of the human epidermis”, J Invest Dermatol 1995; 104: 134-137
Johansson O, Hilliges M, Han SW, “A screening of skin changes, with special emphasis on neurochemical marker antibody evaluation, in patients claiming to suffer from screen dermatitis as compared to normal healthy controls”, Exp Dermatol 1996; 5: 279-285
Johansson O, “Några tankar kring elöverkänslighet och bildskärmsskada”, Enheten för Experimentell Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 1, 1996, ISSN 1400-6111
Gangi S, Johansson O, “Skin changes in “screen dermatitis” versus classical UV- and ionizing irradiation-related damage–similarities and differences. Two neuroscientists’ speculative review”, Exp Dermatol 1997; 6: 283-291
Johansson O, Liu PY, Bondesson L, Nordlind K, Olsson MJ, Lontz W, Verhofstad A, Liang Y, Gangi S, “A serotonin-like immunoreactivity is present in human cutaneous melanocytes”, J Invest Dermatol 1998; 111: 1010-1014
Johansson O, Liu P-Y, “No differences found by immunohistochemical screening of certain neuropeptides in patients suffering from so-called “screen dermatitis””, Enheten för Experimentell Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 3, 1998, ISSN 1400-6111
Johansson O, Wang L, Hilliges M, Liang Y, “Intraepidermal nerves in human skin: PGP 9.5 immunohistochemistry with special reference to the nerve density in skin from different body regions”, J Peripher Nerv Syst 1999; 4: 43-52
Hilliges, M, Johansson O, “Comparative analysis of numerical estimation methods of epithelial nerve fibers using tissue sections”, J Periph Nerv Syst 1999; 4: 53-57
Johansson O, Fantini F, Hu H, “Neuronal structural proteins, transmitters, transmitter enzymes and neuropeptides in human Meissner’s corpuscles: a reappraisal using immunohistochemistry”, Arch Dermatol Res 1999; 291: 419-424
Johansson O, Liu P-Y, Enhamre A, Wetterberg L, “A case of extreme and general cutaneous light sensitivity in combination with so-called ‘screen dermatitis’ and ‘electrosensitivity’ – a successful rehabilitation after vitamin A treatment – a case report”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 1999; 18: 13-16
Bornehag C-G, Hamnerius Y, Hult M, Johansson O, Norrby C, Åberg U, “Hälsomässig och teknisk utvärdering av fyra elsanerade bostäder i kvarteret Haubitsen, Uppsala”, Enheten för Experimentel Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 4, 1999, ISSN 1400-6111
Bianchi B, Matucci R, Danesi A, Rossi R, Ipponi P, Giannotti B, Johansson O, Cappugi P, “Characterization of [3H]substance P binding sites in human skin”, J Europ Acad Dermatol Venereol 1999; 12: 6-10
Jacobi HH, Johansson O, Liang Y, Nielsen HV, Thygesen C, Hansen JB, Jinquan T, Skov PS, Poulsen LK, “Histamine immunocytochemistry: a new method for detection of basophils in peripheral blood”, J Immunol Methods 2000; 237: 29-37
Gangi S, Johansson O, “A theoretical model based upon mast cells and histamine to explain the recently proclaimed sensitivity to electric and/or magnetic fields in humans”, Med Hypotheses 2000; 54: 663-671
Jacobi HH, Johansson O, “Human dendritic mast cells”, In: Mast Cells and Basophils (eds. G Marone, LM Lichtenstein, SJ Galli), Academic Press, San Diego, 2000, pp 89-95
Södergren L, Johansson O, “Commentary: Mobile telephones – will the golden goose become the mad cow?”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2001; 20: 29-30
Johansson O, Gangi S, Liang Y, Yoshimura K, Jing C, Liu P-Y, “Cutaneous mast cells are altered in normal healthy volunteers sitting in front of ordinary TVs/PCs – results from open-field provocation experiments”, J Cutan Pathol 2001; 28: 513-519
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Melanoma incidence and frequency modulation (FM) broadcasting”, Arch Environ Health 2002; 57: 32-40
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Har tusentals personer offrats i onödan sedan 1955?” (=”Have thousands of persons unnecessarily been sacrificed since 1955?”; in Swedish), Nord Tidsskr Biol Med 2002; 2: 26-27
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Cancerdödlighet och långtidssjukskrivning” (=”Cancer mortality and long-term sick leave”; in Swedish), Tidskriften Medikament 2002; 7: 40-41
Slominski A, Pisarchik A, Semak I , Sweatman T, Wortsman J, Szczesniewski A, Slugocki G, McNulty J , Kauser S, Tobin DJ, Jing C , Johansson O, “Serotoninergic and melatoninergic systems are fully expressed in human skin”, The FASEB Journal express article 10.1096/fj.01-0952fje, published online April 23, 2002
Slominski A, Pisarchik A, Semak I, Sweatman T, Wortsman J, Szczesniewski A, Slugocki G, McNulty J, Kauser S, Tobin DJ, Jing C, Johansson O, “Serotoninergic and melatoninergic systems are fully expressed in human skin”, FASEB J 2002; 16: 896-898
Sromová L, Larsson M, Johansson O, “Verksamheten vid ELRUM 1998-2000″ (=”ELRUM 1998-2000 – Results and conclusions”, in Swedish), Arbetslivstjänster Västerbotten, Umeå, 2001; 12 pp
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Cancer trends during the 20th century”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2002; 21: 3-8
Slominski A, Pisarchik A, Johansson O, Jing C, Semak I, Slugocki G, Wortsman J, “Tryptophan hydroxylase expression in human skin cells”, Biochim Biophys Acta 2003; 1639: 80-86
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “Histological and stereological analysis of cutaneous mast cells in rats exposed to 50 Hz EMF”, 6th International Congress of the European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA), Budapest, Hungary, November 13-15, 2003 (abstr.)
Johansson O, “Screen dermatitis and electrosensitivity: Preliminary observations in the human skin”, In: Electromagnetic Environments and Health in Buildings (ed. D Clements-Croome), Spon Press, London & New York, 2004, pp 377-389
Ward RS, Tuckett RP, English KB, Johansson O, Saffle JR, “Substance P axons and sensory threshold increase in burn-graft human skin”, J Surg Res 2004; 118: 154-160
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Malignant melanoma of the skin – not a sunshine story!”, Med Sci Monit 2004; 10: CR336-340
Johansson O, “Elöverkänslighet – en form av strålskada” (=”Electrohypersensitivity – a kind of irradiation damage”, in Swedish), Tf-bladet 2004; (3): 12-13
Johansson O, “Electrohypersensitivity: Observations in the human skin of a physical impairment”, Symposium on “Electrical Sensitivity in Human Beings”, Royal Society of Medicine, London, U.K., September 11, 2004 (abstr.)
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Does GSM 1800 MHz affect the public health in Sweden?”, In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop “Biological Effects of EMFs”, Kos, Greece, October 4-8, 2004
Johansson O, “Electrohypersensitivity: Observations in the human skin of a physical impairment”, WHO Workshop on “Electrical Hypersensitivity”, Prague, Czech Republic, October 25-27, 2004 (abstr.)
Johansson O, “Elektro-Hypersensitivität: Beobachtungen von physikalischen Schäden an der menschlichen Haut”, “2nd National Congress for Afflicted Persons by Electrosmog”, Olten, Switzerland, November 13, 2004 (abstr.)
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “1997 – A curious year in Sweden”, Eur J Cancer Prev 2004; 13: 535-538
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Long-term sickness and mobile phone use”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2004; 23: 11-12
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Mobile handset output power and health”, Electromag Biol Med 2004; 23: 229-239
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “An immunohistochemical and morphometrical study of the power-frequency electromagnetic field influence on skin and thyroid amine- and peptide-containing cells in rats”, BioEM 2005, Dublin, Ireland, June 19-24, 2005 (abstr.)
Johansson O, “Funktionsnedsättningen elöverkänslighet och samhället: kollision eller kyss?” (=”The physical impairment electrohypersensitivity and society: collision or kiss”, in Swedish), Medicinsk Axess 2005; 1 (2): 68-71
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “FM broadcasting exposure time and malignant melanoma incidence”, Electromag Biol Med 2005; 24: 1-8
Lauria G, Cornblath DR, Johansson O, McArthur JC, Mellgren SI, Nolano M, Rosenberg N, Sommer C, “EFNS guidelines on the use of skin biopsy in the diagnosis of peripheral neuropathy”, Europ J Neurol 2005; 12: 1-12
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “Histological characteristics of cutaneous and thyroid mast cell populations in male rats exposed to power-frequency electromagnetic fields”, Int J Radiat Biol 2005; 81: 491-499
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “The effect of extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields on skin and thyroid amine- and peptide-containing cells in rats: An immunohistochemical and morphometrical study”, Environ Res 2005; 99: 369-377
Holmboe G, Johansson O, “Symptombeskrivning samt förekomst av IgE och positiv Phadiatop Combi hos personer med funktionsnedsättningen elöverkänslighet”, (=”Description of symptoms as well as occurrence of IgE and positive Phadiatop Combi in persons with the physical impairment electrohypersensitivity”, in Swedish), Medicinsk Access 2005; 1 (5): 58-63
Johansson O, “The effects of radiation in the cause of cancer”, The Charity Canceractive, Nov 6, 2005
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Alzheimer mortality – why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas?”, Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 225-246
Guan X, Johansson O, “The sun-shined health”, Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 420-423
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Glesbygd är en sjuk miljö, nu börjar även friska dö” (=”Say to countryside goodbye, when even healthy people die”; in Swedish), Enheten för Experimentell Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 6, 2004, 45 sidor, ISSN 1400-6111
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “Light and electron microscopic study of the thyroid gland in rats exposed to power-frequency electromagnetic fields”, J Exp Biol 2006; 209: 3322-3328
Johansson O, “Hur ska vi bemöta den ökade mängden luftburen strålning?” (=”How shall we cope with the increased amount of airwave radiation?”, in Swedish), Medicinsk Access 2006; 2 (5): 76-78
Johansson O, “Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-art of a functional impairment”, Electromag Biol Med 2006; 25: 245-258
Johansson O, “How shall we cope with the increasing amounts of airborne radiation?”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2006; 25: 5-6
Johansson O, “Ökad bestrålning gör oss utslitna” (=”Increased irradiation wears us down”, in Swedish), Ljusglimten 2006; 17 (4): 9-11
Rajkovic V, Matavulj M, Johansson O, “Histological studies of the thyroid gland in rats after combined exposure to electromagnetic fields and the endocrine disrupting compound atrazine”, 8th International Congress of the European BioElectromagnetics Association (EBEA) 2007, Bordeaux, France, April 10-13, 2007 (abstr.)
Sage C, Johansson O, Sage SA, “Personal digital assistant (PDA) cell phone units produce elevated extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field emissions”, Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28: 386-392
Sage C, Johansson O, “Response to Comment on “Measuring ELF fields produced by mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs)””, Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28: 581-582
Sage C, Johansson O, “Response to Comment on “Personal digital assistant (PDA) cell phone units produce elevated extremely-low frequency electromagnetic field emissions””, Bioelectromagnetics 2007; 28: 584-585
Johansson O, “Kronisk trötthet, utbrändhet, sköldkörteln samt funktionsnedsättningen elöverkänslighet” (=”Chronic fatigue, burnout, the thyroid gland and the impairment electrohypersensitivity”, in Swedish), Läkartidningen 30/8 2007
Johansson O, “Evidence for effects on the immune system”, In: The BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF) (eds. CF Blackman, M Blank, M Kundi, C Sage), 2007, Section 8,
Johansson O, “Fredrik Reinfeldt, now that you are Sweden’s prime minister, are you prepared to listen?”, J Aust Coll Nutr & Env Med 2007; 26: 19-20
Lindkvist L, Johansson O, “SSI lägger ansvaret för skadorna av mobilstrålningen på dig” (=”The Swedish Radiation Protection Authority puts the responsibility for the mobile phone radiation damages on you!”, in Swedish), Arbetarbladet 23/10 2007
Cohen A, Carlo G, Davidson A, White M, Geoghan C, Goldsworthy A, Johansson O, Maisch D, O’Connor E, “Sensitivity to mobile phone base station signals”, Env Health Perspect 2008; 116: A63-A64
Lindkvist L, Johansson O, “Utan trådlöst för barnens skull!” (=”Without wireless for the sake of the children”, in Swedish), Dalarnas Tidningar 6/2 2008
Lindkvist L, Johansson O, “Utan trådlöst för barnen skull” (=”Without wireless for the sake of the children”, in Swedish), Nerikes Allehanda 12/2 2008
Lindkvist L, Johansson O, “Utan trådlöst – för barnens skull” (=”Without wireless – for the sake of the children”, in Swedish), Corren 20/2 2008
Blomberg H, Johansson O, “Carpal tunnel syndrome and microwave exposure from mobile telephony: A case report”, Neurology 2007, to be submitted
Yoshimura K, Liang Y, Kobayashi K, Johansson O, “Alteration of the Merkel cell number in the facial skin of electrosensitive persons – a morphological study”, 2007, to be submitted
Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, “Rapport från pilottest — Webbapplikationen Nevi – ett sätt att samla in medicinska data över nätet” (=”Report from a pilot test – The web application Nevi, a means to collect medical data over the Internet”, in Swedish), Enheten för Experimentell Dermatologi, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Rapport nr. 5, 2003, ISSN 1400-6111, in manuscript
Professor Denis Henshaw
Much of my 35-year research career has been in the study of the effects of ionising radiation (principally from natural and made-made radioactivity), but in 1996 I became interested in the adverse effects of electric and magnetic fields from the electricity supply, including those from high voltage powerlines. My current research concerns the way in which magnetic fields interact with the human body an the effects of corona ions emitted from high voltage powerlines. Such ions transfer their electric charge to particles of air pollution, making these particles more likely to be trapped in the lung on inhalation.
With regard to electro-sensitivity, Denis Henshaw says: “We have noticed that many people who live close to high voltage powerlines suffer sleep disorders and depressive symptoms, an observation which has been seen in a number of professional studies. This could be explained by the fact that magnetic fields such as those found near powerlines disrupt the nocturnal production of the important hormone melatonin in the pineal gland. Whether other symptoms of electro-sensitivity occur in this way is not known, but researchers are looking at a number of ways in which both electric and magnetic fields may adversely affect health.”
Further details of Denis Henshaw’s research, which is supported by CHILDREN with LEUKAEMIA, may be found at
Denis has also produced an open letter supporting the plausibility of health effects from overhead powerlines, made available to ES-UK for download.
Denis has also presented the latest relevant science at the September 2011 ES-UK Conference.