For all people sensitised by electromagnetic fields and radiation.


ES Directory

PDF Copy of ES Directory (N.B. Services are used at your own risk. We have no commercial relationship with these service providers.) :-
Download the ES Directory

Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure

Electrosensitivity – Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure – May 2022

2020 Consensus Statement

2020 Consensus Statement of UK and International Medical and Scientific Experts and Practitioners on Health Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (NIR)

The public have a right to know

Britain’s First 5G Court Case — And The People Won

After a city council attempted a silencing campaign, a UK judge has declared that the people have a right to know about the harmful effects of 5G millimeter-wave technology being deployed upon them. Read more…

EMR Australia – EMR and Health

Free report on electromagnetic radiation, health and well-being

Vol 14 No 3 June 2018

Vol 14 No 4 Sept 2018


Generation Zapped investigates the potential dangers of prolonged exposure to Radio Frequencies (RF) from wireless technology; its effects on our health and well-being, as well as the health and development of our children. From its links to breast and brain cancer, to its associations with increased infertility and genetic mutations related to autism and ADHD, to newly developed illnesses, such as Electrical Hyper-Sensitivity (EHS).
Feeling ‘Zapped’? New film shows how wireless technologies may be to blame

There is an excellent BBC TV South news item from 8 February 2017 with Mary Coales and Dr Andrew Tresidder:

Also a couple of excerpts from the BBC Sussex Radio Neil Pringle show of the same date with the same people:

Selected ES and EHS studies

Caring for Patients with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivities, Dr Riina Bray, University of Toronto (original English video and PDF)

Trials and Trends in Caring for Patients with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivities at Ontario’s Environmental Health Clinic (EHC), with DrRiina Bray, Medical Director, EHC of Women’s College Hospital, University of Toronto
Talk given on August 13 2016 during the Ecosphere Montreal Fair and the World Social Forum
Original English version with French introduction and question period – download Dr Bray’s PDF here

Standing up for people’s rights against ‘smart’ meters

On 30 June 2016 the municipality of Santa Perpètua de Mogoda, near Barcelona, Spain, with the support of the mayor and other political groups, approved each one of the points of the motion presented by PSCT (Plataforma Stop Comptadors Telegestionables) to stop the installation of smart meters in the town, with many residents opposing the change from analogue to digital. Two of the points approved were: 1) to stop installing smart meters in a city already very polluted with RF, and 2) to replace the ones already changed with the old analogue ones. This is a big step in a country highly permissive to wireless companies and with high RF limits in comparison with other parts of Europe and the world. Well done to PSCT and the brave mayor and city councillors for working against all odds and standing up for people’s rights. (Report from Carlos Galiano on behalf of his wife Montserrat López Mestres, 2 July 2016.)

Wi-fi Free Dartmoor

From Claire:-
I’ve just created the petition “Wifi-free Dartmoor and Exmoor” and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.

This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:

Open Your Mind (OYM) Radio – Michael Bevington & Lloyd Morgan

Guests – Michael Bevington/Lloyd Morgan – Michael’s is interest in the biological effects of low-level electromagnetic exposure began in September 2006, when he was sensitised to EM radiation after a WiFi router was installed in his classroom. His case showing harm from WiFi was one of the first to feature in the national press. BBC Panorama programme on the dangers of WiFi in April 2007. In 2007 he became a trustee of the charity ElectroSensitivity UK (ES-UK) and since 2008 has been its chair. In 2010 he published the first edition of Electromagnetic Sensitivity and Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity. L Lloyd Morgan is an electronic engineer by training with 38 years of industrial experience to the Vice Presidential level (retired 2002), a member of international science organizations, the Bioelectromagnetics, Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Health Trust, and Board member International Electromagnetic Field Alliance, scientific Advisor, EM Radiation Research Trust. He has published in the peer-reviewed science and Letters to the Editor in response to science papers. His research focus has been on Wireless Transmitting Devices (WTDs) epidemiology, and dosimetry (the amount of radiation absorbed by human tissue

Making Waves Conference

Making Waves Conference Flier

DSTV Report, February 26 2018

This is an 8 minute piece by Claire Mawisa reporting for Carte Blanche, the longest running investigative programme on South African TV (DStv, February 26 2018, 8 minutes). It features Alwyn Lewies and Elsa Retief, trying to survive in an increasingly hostile environment. Dr Hema Kalan explains how the condition is under-recognised among doctors because it is still not taught in medical schools.

“EsmogCleanup”: Five audio talks of 10-14 minutes each on Electrosmog and how to deal with it

“EsmogCleanup”: Five audio talks of 10-14 minutes each on Electrosmog and how to deal with it, by Dr Andrew Tressider, Lynne and others, explaining problems and solutions.

Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity Part 1 with Michael Bevington

What is Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity (EHS)?
What are some of the common symptoms?
What does ES-UK do to help people with EHS?

Discover more as I talk with my guest Michael Bevington.

Michael is the chair of Trustees of the charity ElectroSensitivity UK (aka ES-UK).

In 2006 WiFi was installed in his workplace and he immediately became ill with the typical symptoms caused by thiselectro-magnetic radiation, such as headaches, pains in limbs, heart palpitations and nausea. His employers removed theWiFi from his workplace but since then he has become allergic to other devices with similar radiation, such as mobile phones, cordless phones, mobile phone masts and even compact fluorescent lights.

The charity ES-UK aims to help the growing number of people made ill by this environmental toxin and to inform the general public about its dangers.

The Dr. Aschermann Studies

The excellent studies by Dr Christine Aschermann can be found on various websites. not all together in a list as translated articles.
1. Dr. Christine Aschermann; Dr. Barbara Dohmen [21.07.2012]
Wi-Fi Adversely Affects Our Health

2.Dr. med. Christine Aschermann, Dr. med. Cornelia Waldmann-Selsam [27.11.2006]
WIMAX Auction

3. Dr. med. Christine Aschermann
Observations from a Psychotherapy Practice on Mobile Telecommunications and DECT Telephones : Revised and extended version [June 2009]

4.Dr. med. Christine Aschermann
A Psychiatrist’s observations on Personality changes caused by mobile telecommunications
9. Oktober 2002
Christine Ascherman
Electrosensitivity : A Patient with Burn – like Skin Manifestations

Current Concepts in the Diagnosis of EHS
A 36 minute recording of:
Dr Erica Malllery-Blythe, a medical adviser to ES-UK:
“Current Concepts in the Diagnosis and Management of EHS”
from the March 2014 London conference of the British Society for Ecological Medicine.

ES-UK Information Leaflet

Below is ES-UK’s latest information leaflet:
ES-UK Information Leaflet

Barry Trower’s TETRA Report – The Dangers of EM Radiation

The attached Tetra report highlights the danger of exposure to electromagnetic radiation which can cause brain damage, cancers and genetic deformities.
TETRA Report

The Precautionary Principle

The EU including the UK signed up to the concept of the Precautionary Principle back in 2000.
The subsequent 2011 IARC 2B classification for all RF (i.e. Microwaves etc.) exposure is stronger than is needed for precautionary action. And that is just for cancer.
“The precautionary principle applies where scientific evidence is insufficient, inconclusive or uncertain and preliminary scientific evaluation indicates that there are reasonable grounds for concern that the potentially dangerous effects on the environment, human, animal or plant health may be inconsistent with the high level of protection chosen.”

EHS in Sweden

I have just read a very interesting column “Family doctors do not hand out antidepressants ‘like sweets. At the end of it, he asks if anyone has encountered health problems related to wireless gadgets, such as iPads.
This phenomenon has been covered in extenso in the scientific literature, and just for your information I enclose a few recent papers by myself and my coworkers (N.B. See p. 2 of the press release from 1995).

In addition, note the following: In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease, thus no diagnosis* exists; N.B. This is not special for Sweden, the terms “functional impairment” and “disease” are defined according to various international documents (see below)). Among the nine million Swedes there are currently around 250,000 people with this disability.
[*Its symptoms are classified as an occupationally-related symptom-based diagnosis (code ICD-10) by the Nordic Council of Ministers since 2000. DIVS: 2000:839; ISBN: 92-893-0559-2
Persons with the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity have their own handicap organization, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive []; the website has an English version). This organization is included in The Swedish Disability Federation (Handikappförbundens SamarbetsOrgan; HSO; []; the site has an English short version). As a consequence of this, The Swedish Association for the Electrohypersensitive receives an annual governmental subsidy (cf. below).
Fortunately, for most persons with electrohypersensitivity their impairment is not life debilitating, thus, with accessability measure alterations of their home, their workplace, their means of transportation, and their places of leisure, they can manage their life well. However, for a smaller proportion of persons the symptoms – including also light intolerance – are very severe, and for yet another group they can be completely devastating, leaving them no other choice than to leave our modern society and spend a lengthy time in desolated parts of their country, living in small shielded cabins, huts, tents or trailers. Such refugees can be found in many countries, including Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland, France, Germany, the UK, the USA and in Canada.
The first step for a person in Sweden with a functional impairment is to contact the municipality’s special civil servant for disability issues, as well as the various handicap organizations and authorities, to achieve accessibility measures of various types with the sole aim to have an equal life in a society based on equality (according to the The UN 22 Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for People with Disabilities – since 2007 upgraded into The UN Convention on Human Rights for Persons with Functional Impairments,
An impairment is – by definition – not defined by someone else or proven by certain tests, etc. The impairment is always personal (private) and develops when in contact with an inferior environment.
[N.B. Remember that functional impairments are only based upon each individual’s impaired accessability to – and contact with – an inferior environment (cf. the UN), thus, there is actually no need for any “recognition” in local laws (cf. the UN). In Sweden, the former Minister of Health and Social Affairs, Lars Engqvist – as a member of the previous government – anyhow gave his “approval” in a letter dated May, 2000 [Regeringskansliet 2000-04-06, Dnr S2000/2158/ST]. He also made it clear in his response that for EHS persons there are no restrictions or exceptions in the handicap laws and regulations. Thus, these laws and regulations are to be fully applied also for EHS persons.]
Treating members of the community equally is not something that should be done as a favour; nor is it something that any parliament or government should politely request other inhabitants to provide others with. Equality is not something to be done “out of the goodness of one’s heart”. It is something one does because it is expected of every citizen, because inaccessibility and discrimination are prohibited by law. Thus, it is not alright to deliberately make your symptoms worse.
The electrically hypersensitive must therefore, in every situation and by all available means, demand respect, representation and power. They shall very clearly reject all approaches which reflect ?a mentality of “feeling pity for them” or “caring for them”. Inaccessibility is not a personal problem. It is a problem for society. Inaccessibility is not about attitudes. It is about discrimination. And discriminatory actions and conduct shall not be dealt with by well-meaning talk about treatment. Discrimination is already illegal!
This view can fully be motivated in relation to national and international handicap laws and regulations, including the UN 22 Standard Rules/UN Convention and the Swedish Action Plan for Persons with Impairments (prop. 1999/2000:79 “Den nationella handlingplanen för handikappolitiken – Från patient till medborgare”; Proposition 1999/2000:79, 1999/2000:SoU14). Also, the Human Rights Act in the EU fully applies.
Finally, remember we all must adhere to and follow all the handicap laws and regulations. To do the opposite is a serious violation and should immediately be reported/filed as an official legal complaint to your local authorities, parliament, government, the EU and the UN. This is of particular importance since Katri Linna, the Swedish Diskrimineringsombudsman (=the Equality Ombudsman), clearly states in the newspaper Sydsvenskan (January 23-26, 2009;) that “electrohypersensitivity is – according to the law – a functional impairment and I recommend EHS persons that are discriminated to file a complaint”.
(Olle Johansson, assoc. prof.
The Experimental Dermatology Unit
Department of Neuroscience
Karolinska Institute
171 77 Stockholm
The Royal Institute of Technology
100 44 Stockholm
Fragopoulou et al 2010
Johansson 1995
Johansson 2010
Johansson pressmeddelande mobiltelefonstudien 1995
Johansson et al 2001

ElectroSensitivity UK Case Studies

We have started collecting a number of real life case studies documenting the struggles of sensitive people coping with their everyday lives.
Here is a personal case study [click on links below]

EHS Case Study

Cover statement for EHS case study

Wireless smart meters

Download the smart meter report by Isaac Jamieson. This was delivered by the RRT to Number 10 and the European Parliament
Table of contents:
News reports here:
Ill Health from wireless Smart Meters
Wireless Smart Meters and people with ES


Letters from Doctors and other resources related to WiFi.
Dr. Herbert’s WiFi Letter

What can trigger ES?

Electrical hypersensitivity (EHS) is often a combination of up to three factors:

a. a natural sensitivity, similar to other idiopathic or allergic reactions, which is not common in the general population. There are about 12 million allergy sufferers (according to Allergy UK in September 2007) in Britain and the number is increasing all the time,
b. sensitisation by some trigger, which could be one or more of a variety of commonly encountered substances.
c. sensitisation by some incident, which has the capability of damaging the bioelectrochemical communication within the body.

Chronic environmental overload, both physical, chemical and psychosocial, when added to genetic predisposition and chronic or acute illness (e.g. viruses have certainly been implicated in some environmental syndromes) increase a person’s susceptibility and contributes to the development of electromagnetic sensitivity symptoms.
Initiation of EHS often comes at a time when people are experiencing an intensive work period, which suggests that the changes in people’s systems due to stress may increase the person’s sensitivity to environmental factors. Stress sensitive hormones have been found to be elevated in people at work in electromagnetic environments (and in EHS sufferers), but not when they are at leisure.

  • Problematic Electrical Appliances
  • Computers
  • Computer monitors
  • Laptops
  • WiFi systems
  • Mobile phones
  • Cordless phones
  • Televisions
  • Game consoles
  • Fluorescent lights

Some common initiators associated with the development of electrical hypersensitivity which have been proposed are:

Living, or working near overhead power lines, substations, underground cables or electrified railways

Working in environments with high EMFs (including photocopiers which also give off ozone)

  • Radar
  • Use of electrical appliances
  • Electric shocks or lightning strikes
  • Dental amalgam fillings
  • Chemical exposures (Paint, pesticides, insecticides, lice & flea treatments, bleaches and cleansers, field and garden sprays, furniture and carpet treatments, wood glue and varnish). Many of these have been found to cause neurological damage, which may then be made worse by EMF exposure.

It makes little difference what the initial provocation is; environmental exposure of the immune system by chemicals inside the home or outside, pesticides, or electromagnetic fields, once a person is exposed to any of these, it seems the likelihood of reacting to all of them increases dramatically.

Recognising ES and EHS

Electromagnetic fields surround us. These are now hundreds of millions of times above natural background levels. We have not had the time to adapt to the radiation from our use of electricity, mobile and cordless phones and other wireless devices.

You’re probably here because either you or a family member or friend has been suffering symptoms and have been able to track down the likely cause as being related to EMFs.

Symptoms that have been associated with electrical and microwave sensitivity include (but not are limited to) the following:


  • Sleep problems – inability to get a “good” nights sleep, waking up, restlessness.
  • Tiredness – abnormal tiredness, weakness, tremor, faintness and dizziness.
  • Headaches – sometimes extremely severe.
  • Tinnitus and Earaches.
  • Skin – feels dry, prone to rashes. Irritation, skin tingling, crawling sensations.
  • Chest pains, heart arrhythmias
  • Warmth or burning on face, not unlike strong sunburn.
  • Pain in teeth and jaws.
  • Eyes – difficulty in seeing, smarting, irritating sensation, pain or a “gritty” feeling.
  • Aches, pain, numbness, prickling sensations in joints, bones and muscles in shoulders, arms, legs, feet, wrists, ankles, elbows and pelvis and cramp in arms and legs.


  • Memory – short term and long term memory impairment
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulty in learning new things


  • Behavioural – Depression, mood changes, including anger and crying
  • Irritability
  • Stress and anxiety attacks, feeling out of control

If your GP is sympathetic to the idea of ES, let us know! Equally, if they are unsympathetic, we can contact them to educate them about ES, and what it could mean to many of their patients.

We do advise anyone suffering from any of these symptoms to get checked out by their GP first before coming to the conclusion that they are ES. Many of the symptoms associated with ES can also be attributed to other (some extremely serious) illnesses and it’s always worth ruling those out first. If you feel strongly that you have ES, Martin Weatherall’s Talking to your doctor should be a great help in approaching your GP about the condition.

Please take the time to look at the available material on the site, and do not hesitate to contact us should you wish to do so.