For all people sensitised by electromagnetic fields and radiation.

Electrosensitivity UK are not responsible for the content of external websites.
- Doctors’ Letters and Diagnosis of ES, EHS and EPh
- Information and Research on ES and EHS
- ES-UK Information Leaflet
- Tresidder and Bevington-ES-chapter 47-2015 [CRC Press © 2015, chapter 47, “Bioelectromagnetic and Subtle Energy Medicine”, 2nd Edition, Ed Paul Rosch, Reproduced with the permission of Taylor & Francis Group, LLC]
- Selected ES and EHS Studies-2018
- ES, EHS and EPh-Facts and Falsehoods
- Key Studies on ES and EHS
- Links for 15 Studies
- Unscientific attitudes to Electrosensitivity (ES) and Electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS)
- Electrosensitivity – Key Facts
- ES, EHS: Key Facts: Non-thermal Science & Disability
- Proof of EHS beyond all reasonable doubt
- Electrosensitivity – Overview
- Seizures and RFR EMF Sensitivity
- Radiation Safety Guidelines and Action Needed
- IGNIR January 2021
- RF Radiation Safety Limits
- RF Spectral Flux Density – Jansky
- Importance of Biological not Heating Guidelines
- Injuries from Wireless Radiation-Action Needed
- Serious flaws in the WHO & ICNIRP claims on 5G and RF wireless radiation
- Majority-Viewpoint and Minority-Viewpoint Guidelines, and Non-Thermal Effects
- Critique of ICNIRP’s defence of Mobile Phones
- Critique of WHO’s defence of Mobile Phones
- Factual proof against the unscientific claims of lobbyists following ICNIRP
- ICNIRP Guidelines-Unscientific and Not Protective
- Health Concerns of 5G and Setting Suitable Restrictions
- Help for ES and EHS on lifestyle
- Self-Help for People with Electro Sensitivity symptoms Aug.2018
- Articles on ES and Health-2010 and 2011
- IGNIR-see Supplement 1
- California Cell Phone Guidance-2017
- Shielding from EMFs and RFR
B Faraday Cage
C Copper Mesh Faraday Cage - Shielding Introduction
- Electrosensitivity: Tips for Reducing EMF Exposure, by Graham Arthur.
- Commercial resources for ES and EHS
- Disability resources: Health & Safety, Equality Act, ESA, JSA, pensions, schools, workplaces etc.
- Disability Letter-General-2019Feb
- Disability Letter-Work-2018October
- Disability Letter-Child at School-2018October
- Disability ICD-10 codes, ICF Func.Disab-2018
- Disability & EHS-some organisations-2018
- ESA,JSA,Ill health pensions-2018
- JAN-ES Accommodations-2015
- Notes by a claimant with EHS for Universal Credit
- EHS Tip Sheet-Peterborough-2018
- ES, EHS: Key Facts: Non-thermal Science & Disability
- Accessibility for people disabled by ES and EHS
- ES/EHS, Legal Matters and Early Retirement
- Housing Letter for people with EHS
- Public Health Resources: Local Authority, Planning, Toxic Substances
- Accountability form for EM risk assessment
- Letter of concern
- Devices causing specific ES and EHS symptoms
- CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lights)
- Smart Meters
- Wifi
- Wireless Hearing Aids
- 5G
- Wind Turbines, Ultrasound
- Posters
- How safe is your phone? To order 5 posters, please make a £5.75 donation towards printing and postage and email your address to: Mailings will take 5-10 days, by second class mail.
- Why risk your health with Wi-Fi?
- Worth the risk? It’s your call. This poster can be used outside the UK. Please contact ES-UK.
- How safe is 5G? This poster can be used outside the UK. Please contact ES-UK.
- Precautions for Radio Frequency Radiation
- Electrosensitivity and other ill health
- The difference between non-ionising and ionising radiation, DNA damage and the causes of cancer
- Internet, fibre and wired telephones
- Videos and Animations
- Podcasts